Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Therapy is another form of treatment of certain medical diagnosis. Therapy can be done in many forms, just by talking, physical, psychological and etc. The one that I found most interesting was pet therapy. In certain areas of the hospital they will use, pets, usually dogs for therapeutic use. Dogs are said to be mans best friend, but these dogs are not just your usual house hold dog, they have to go through schooling and training. Just like how a child brings joy into a household, the affection a dog shows to an individual while they are in the process of recovery is very helpful. The dogs are basically just used as a form of entertainment for the patient. The therapy is really to see how the patient would interact with animals, or non-human creatures. It is a very fun and effective form of therapy. The dogs also assist outside of rehabilitation wards of hospitals. They also go to house visits. The defining characteristics need to be a therapy dog is “ most important characteristic of a therapy dog is its temperament. A good therapy dog must be friendly, patient, confident, at ease in all situations, and gentle. Therapy dogs must enjoy human contact and be content to be petted and handled, sometimes clumsily.” There are also specific breeds of dogs that would make better therapy dogs than other breeds, such as golden retrievers, Labradors and other more family orientated dog breeds. All dog breeds can be therapeutic it just takes some training.

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