Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Sleep, is the number one thing to keep one healthy and happy, but in today world one can not find the time to truly sleep the required amount. “a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help maintain good health and enable people to function at their best.”, ( which is very true studies have proven that sleep is not just a block of time where you are not awake. Actually, your body is still functioning in sleep still and just rejuvenating for the day to come. “Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. School-aged children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night.” The hours stated above are the hours we have to sleep, the hours our body needs to go through to function properly, but seems to be we never get the right amount. Especially for our school aged children, the 7-9 hours they should get never is achieved, and it is due to the fact that schools do not properly schedule their times correctly. Classes start at 7:30/ 8 and then get out at 3, and usually children should go to bed by 9 but never do because they have to do their homework. I do not blame the school system, it is partly the child fault as well because they procrastinate but it can be fixed, by starting schools later. As for adults, the lack of sleep affects an individuals mood and health. A lot of depression could be due to the fact of not enough sleep, same goes with stress and for health risks, increases the risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease, and other medical conditions. During sleep your body releases some hormones, such as the growth hormone, which fuels growth in children, so if a child is not sleeping enough, or the biological time needed then they will not grow to their greatest ability, they will be weak, and their immunity will be weak to and get sick a lot. So to stay healthy and strong, one should definitely get the recommended amount of time, just make some sacrifices in your daily life, to guarantee a longer life.

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