Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cave Man

“So easy a cave man can do it” the common saying for the geico commercials, this commercial brings up the unsolved history of man’s evolution. The question still remains did we evolve from caveman? Through archeological finds such as old bone remains, fossils of footprints and so forth, we know that bipedalism probably started somewhere around 2 million years ago. The footprints in the ground at Kenya found this fact, and then there was the finding of Ardi one of the earliest bipedalists they have found, from about 4.4 million years ago. The first thought was, “homonin speciate from the ancestors of the gorillas.” which is partly truly because you can see common traits between the two species, but the process of our advancement is still being researched. After the Hominin came the Homo habilis and homo erects but the one that archeologist have found the most genetic similarity is the homo antecessor,” Homo antecessor, the common genetic ancestor of humans and Neanderthal.[15] At present estimate, humans have approximately 20,000–25,000 genes and share 99% of their DNA with the now extinct Neanderthal [16] a" this was found around 560,000 years ago. This shows we are getting close to the anatomical modern human. The best and most familiar finding of ancestral remains was the finding of homo heidlebergensis, found in northern parts of Europe, around 355,000 years ago. Heidelbegensis shows traits both from Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, and that is only possible through the act of mating. So cross breeding between species occurred around they’re as well as migration from Africa and in the end all adding to evolution of man. So we could possibly be evolved by the caveman species, but it is still under research.

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