Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It has been predicted that the world comes to an end on December 21, 2012. It was seen on a Mayan calendar, “The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D.”, that has been translated to the end of the world. The Mayan calendar has been correct about majority of other predictions. The Mayan calendar said that from 1999 we would have 13 years to realize the changes one needs to make to the world better. The calendar does not literally predict that the world is coming to an end, it states “They say that coming changes will permit us to make a quantum leap forward in the evolution of our consciousness to create a new civilization that would manifest great harmony and compassion to all humankind.” basically it is saying it will be a new beginning, and new advancements. When looking analytically at the perdiction, one sees their prediction that it is going to be a leap year, in which 2012 is one, and it says quantum, which means mechanics and new machines. So obviously it is going to be a leap of technology and not the end of the world.
The Mayan calendar, says 7 years after 1999, the world would enter a stage of darkness, where we would have to confront our own conducts. There was a solar eclipse on august 11,1999 and this eclipse marked the beginning of this time period. The interpretation researches have come up with does not really seem correct, the calendar even says that it is a time of coming changes to bring forth a new civilization, not the end of the world, but a new beginning.

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