Fear according to dictionary.com is: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. There are so many different fears, in different ways. To have a distinct fear of a certain area/subject is to have a phobia. Some examples of phobias are: arachnophobia-fear of spiders, acrophobia-fear of heights and many more. We are biologically born with fear, because fear is just another reflex we have. “Basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.” for example we are scared of things that would cause us death, or the risk of injury is too high. Fear is usually built on certain activities that have happened, so in a way it is also incorporated with our memories. Just how a movie may remind us of a good/bad moment in our lives, or a smell brings forth a good memory of a grandmother; fear can also be developed in that way. So, lets say when you were little you almost drowned, now you fear to go swimming in deep waters, it is a combination of our memory and our reflexive stimuli of trying to stay alive. A more accurate fear of reflexive fear is when one fears, to go in to a dark infested cave of poisonous critters. The fears in which our built on certain events in ones past would be closer related to phobias, not all but majority. Some phobias are just psychological such as fear of being in crowded places, or being claustrophobic, these fears are not really from an event but just abnormalities in ones brain. Fear is a very tricky emotion.
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