Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Smoking is still a big issue today, a lot of places you go still don’t have no smoking areas or signs. In the state of Indiana the health department is still trying to get more resturaunts and public places to provide more non smoking areas. The response the resturaunts, bars and other places give is the fact that it would ruin and damage their business. This reasoning shows that people rather die than lose their income. The government believes it to be too expensive to put up more smoking band signs, yet according to http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/medicalnews/a/smokingcosts.htm, the US spends close to 92 billion dollars a year on smoking deaths. So, you would think that it would save money on the other hand if they did put up no smoking signs and more restrictions to where you can smoke. ““Cigarette smoking continues to impose substantial health and financial costs on individuals and society,” said CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding in a press release.” (http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/medicalnews/a/smokingcosts.htm,), smoking seems to cause nothing more than harm to soceity, economy and the citizen. There needs to be more restrictions put on the act of smoking, the numbers have decreased over the years, but there is still a lot to be done to greatly minimize the number of smokers.

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