Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Most Important Meal of the Day

The number one meal of the day, the most important meal of the day seems to always be missed by people. Breakfast, the most delicious meal of the day, which can range from coffee with toast and jelly to a heart healthy meal of eggs, ham, sausage, hash browns and pancakes/waffles. That there describes 3 meals in one. Breakfast, is the combination of “break and “fast”, basically it is referring to the breaking of the fast you have been doing from the last meal you had the day before.

Studies have shown that individuals that eat a full healthy breakfast will have a more accomplishing day. “Skipping breakfast interferes with students’ cognition and learning9 “ ( This is very true, and is becoming a growing trend among children of our generation. Due to the fact of school starting early and going to bed late, people wake up late and so don’t have time to sit down and eat a complete breakfast. “Children who eat a complete breakfast, versus a partial breakfast, make fewer mistakes and work faster in
math and number-checking tests.”( So even just a piece of toast is not good enough, one has to eat enough at breakfast to fulfill your hunger.

So next time you leave the house and your stomach growls do not ignore it, really take the time to feed and nourish your body. You need your body and mind to function well through out the day and live life to the fullest.

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