Thursday, December 17, 2009


It was over a century ago, the only language you would find on signs would be English alone. Over the years the amount of immigrants increased and so with the increasing number of other cultures, it is no more than normal for the mother country to adapt and pick up the foreign language of its new inhabitants.

Now days as one walks down the street you will see every caution sign in English and after that definitely Spanish. Spanish is definitely going to be the second major language in the Americas, because the Hispanic group is one of the mast majorities of immigrants. The immigration of Hispanics is actually quite recent; “Hispanics first entered the tables in 1972, making up 1.1% of the USA's poor in that year. By 1996, Hispanics made up 2.7% of the nation's poor - almost equivalent to the Black figure” ( The Hispanic immigrants more heavily populate some states than others, California is an example and other states pretty close to the Central Americans. There also are the Puerto Rican immigrants in New York.

Through out the years though other ethnicities have grown too, Asian immigrants got more after the war. Now you have such developments as china town, Korean town and little Tokyo. So it is only natural now days to expect at least multiple copies of a form in different languages, as well as in the job field it is a plus when someone understand more than one language. In some cases being multi lingual can get you paid more. So to be cultured is never a shame but an advantage.

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