The one of the growing medical condition in America has been diabetes. More specifically, type 2 diabetes. There are two distinct types of diabetes. You have the juvenile/type 1 diabetes, which is the deadly type of diabetes. Juvenile diabetes is one which your pancreas cannot produce insulin. Insulin is the hormone that allows for the uptake of glucose from the blood. So if your body is unable to do this act, the blood glucose levels in your body increase because of the build up of glucose. So, the proper amount of energy cannot be supplied to your body, so the feeling of hunger increases. This is one reason you also see a lot of obese people with diabetes. Although, you do not see a lot of type one/ juvenile diabetes diagnosed. The most common is type 2.
Type 2, also known as insulin dependent, is the more common diabetes found among people. Where as in type one, insulin wasn’t produced. Type two diabetes, insulin is produced but the cells do not react to it correctly. So since no sugar will be stored as sugar, the pancreas would get the message to continue producing insulin. So since there will be no sugar put forth towards the tissues, there will be a build up of sugar in the blood. Therefore it would lead to hyperglycemia and high levels of insulin too. “Type 2 diabetes usually occurs gradually. Most people with the disease are overweight at the time of diagnosis” (https://health.google.com/health/ref/Type+2+diabetes), having said this, as a treatment of type 2, diet and eating correctly is the best way to cure or control the diabetes. Where as for type 1 diabetes, diet and exercise helps you control it but sometimes it leads to having insulin pumps and such forth because it needs to be regulate more than someone with type 2, because no insulin is produced at all. It is in type 1 patients you see insulin shots and insulin pumps hooked up to themselves.
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