Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Parents always worry, is the school my child is in good for them or not? The on going fight between public school and private school and whom offers better education and schooling for the children in the nation, is simple. The type of school is not what decides which is better, but rather the individual child.

“Many of us believe, hands-down, that private schools are better than public schools.” (, it has been shown through movies, and propaganda that private schools have the elite of the teachers and the most to offer for a child. Although recent studies by a husband and wife, Sarah Thuele and Christopher Lubienski, have disproven the myth. “Found that when they controlled for a family’s socioeconomic background, public-school kids slightly outperformed private-school kids.” I think this is due to the fact that in private school it is all about money and whom is better than the other, where as in public schools the teachers truly care for their students, and since they are not obligated by money to be there the children truly want to learn.

“The researchers warn that this study says nothing about a specific school. But it is reassuring to know that overall public-school education should not necessarily be seen as second-rate compared to private schools.” ( So, when a parent is going through the process of finding the perfect school they should take each school for a test run, sort of like how you would a car.

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