Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Therapy is another form of treatment of certain medical diagnosis. Therapy can be done in many forms, just by talking, physical, psychological and etc. The one that I found most interesting was pet therapy. In certain areas of the hospital they will use, pets, usually dogs for therapeutic use. Dogs are said to be mans best friend, but these dogs are not just your usual house hold dog, they have to go through schooling and training. Just like how a child brings joy into a household, the affection a dog shows to an individual while they are in the process of recovery is very helpful. The dogs are basically just used as a form of entertainment for the patient. The therapy is really to see how the patient would interact with animals, or non-human creatures. It is a very fun and effective form of therapy. The dogs also assist outside of rehabilitation wards of hospitals. They also go to house visits. The defining characteristics need to be a therapy dog is “ most important characteristic of a therapy dog is its temperament. A good therapy dog must be friendly, patient, confident, at ease in all situations, and gentle. Therapy dogs must enjoy human contact and be content to be petted and handled, sometimes clumsily.” There are also specific breeds of dogs that would make better therapy dogs than other breeds, such as golden retrievers, Labradors and other more family orientated dog breeds. All dog breeds can be therapeutic it just takes some training.
Tanning is when one wants to increase the skin tone of your body. An estimated 30 million North Americans turn to tanning salons as a controlled alternative to outdoor tanning. What individuals do not think about when going forward with this tanning, is skin cancer. Yes, our body needs the vitamin D given off by our sun, but nothing can replace it, especially not a UV light bulb. The only things they give off are more UV rays close to the human skin, and therefore increasing the risk to skin cancer. Skin cancer can be caught by the sun’s rays as well, but only if you tan frequently, under the sun and still not as easily as the tanning bed because the sun rays are not as close to you as the rays given off by the lights. “Women who use tanning beds more than once a month are 55 percent more likely to develop malignant melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer” ( This cancer can be prevented in what way? Avoiding tanning booths, rather than going to tanning salons, try spraying tanning/mystique tans, and if no artificial sun UV is used definitely wear sunscreen always, and routinely go and get your skin checked out.
Fear according to is: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. There are so many different fears, in different ways. To have a distinct fear of a certain area/subject is to have a phobia. Some examples of phobias are: arachnophobia-fear of spiders, acrophobia-fear of heights and many more. We are biologically born with fear, because fear is just another reflex we have. “Basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.” for example we are scared of things that would cause us death, or the risk of injury is too high. Fear is usually built on certain activities that have happened, so in a way it is also incorporated with our memories. Just how a movie may remind us of a good/bad moment in our lives, or a smell brings forth a good memory of a grandmother; fear can also be developed in that way. So, lets say when you were little you almost drowned, now you fear to go swimming in deep waters, it is a combination of our memory and our reflexive stimuli of trying to stay alive. A more accurate fear of reflexive fear is when one fears, to go in to a dark infested cave of poisonous critters. The fears in which our built on certain events in ones past would be closer related to phobias, not all but majority. Some phobias are just psychological such as fear of being in crowded places, or being claustrophobic, these fears are not really from an event but just abnormalities in ones brain. Fear is a very tricky emotion.
Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried? Well that is great; you have done your cardio work out for the day. Laughing is definitely one of the best exercises ever, the saying of “ laugh away the pain”, really does work. Laughter can be equivalent to exercise, “Vigorous laughter increases the heart rate deepens the breathing rate, and uses muscles in the face, stomach, and diaphragm.” So here you have an improvement in mood, and building muscle as well as some cardio exercise on the side. Who would of thought a simple activity that is brought on by joy could help keep an individual healthier. In the religion of Buddhism there is even a god devoted to laughing, he is called the laughing man/Buddha. The representation of this Buddha is, a big Fat joyous man. It is said that because he is so happy and laughs so much he is fat. So this goes along with the idea that if you laugh, it keeps you healthy and nourished. The human brain does not really have a designated area in the brain devoted to laughing rather, it is a combination of multiple things, “The areas of the brain involving in understanding why a joke is funny are the area mainly located towards the back of the frontal lobes. Parts of the limbic system are also involved in understanding of a joke: limbic system is the primitive part of the brain that is involved in emotions” ( So, there are many ways that laughter can be acted. It is also believed that laughter is and ancient act of respiration and so that is where the phrase of “ha-ha” came from. So next time you feel down, in pain or anything just sit and watch a humorous movie and laugh away the pain, anger and depression.
It has been predicted that the world comes to an end on December 21, 2012. It was seen on a Mayan calendar, “The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D.”, that has been translated to the end of the world. The Mayan calendar has been correct about majority of other predictions. The Mayan calendar said that from 1999 we would have 13 years to realize the changes one needs to make to the world better. The calendar does not literally predict that the world is coming to an end, it states “They say that coming changes will permit us to make a quantum leap forward in the evolution of our consciousness to create a new civilization that would manifest great harmony and compassion to all humankind.” basically it is saying it will be a new beginning, and new advancements. When looking analytically at the perdiction, one sees their prediction that it is going to be a leap year, in which 2012 is one, and it says quantum, which means mechanics and new machines. So obviously it is going to be a leap of technology and not the end of the world.
The Mayan calendar, says 7 years after 1999, the world would enter a stage of darkness, where we would have to confront our own conducts. There was a solar eclipse on august 11,1999 and this eclipse marked the beginning of this time period. The interpretation researches have come up with does not really seem correct, the calendar even says that it is a time of coming changes to bring forth a new civilization, not the end of the world, but a new beginning.
The seven deadly sins, lust, gluttony, sloth, greed, envy, wrath and pride. The one that everybody finds the worst is greed, gambling falls into this category. Once one wins in gambling they cannot get enough of it and keep wanting more and more. Gambling is the act of wagering money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material good. Gambling can just be created as well; a simple bet is a form of gambling. The racetrack, car races and most definitely the city of sin las Vegas, these are all places gambling can be done and found. Gambling though it gives an individual a rush, it can also make one lose everything they have. Gambling is very addictive, there are different forms of gambling, there is pathological or compulsive. Recent studies have shown “about 2.5 million adults in America are pathological gamblers and another 3 million of them should be considered problem gamblers, 15 million adults are at a risk for problem gambling and about 148 million are low-risk gamblers.” (, that is amazing how large of a number it has affected. Among gambling other problems come along with it and also race is a factor in gambling addiction too,” problem drinkers are more likely to have a gambling addiction problem. Gambling addiction is seen more among Caucasian Americans than African Americans and Hispanic Americans.” (
Pirating, or illegal downloading of music more than movies has and still is a major problem in the world. Since the new release of mP3 players, music can easily be pirated online. We all remember the downloading site Napster, where you would download albums easily. More and more pirate sites have been found and have been asked to legitimize their downloads, by asking for payment. Examples of such sites would be the classical napster, and ITunes. ITunes never was a pirate website, but people still could download songs easily by sharing files, but now with compatibility issues it is hard to do so. The system has been catching on to more and more illegal download and pirate sites. Even radio streaming sites are becoming harder to get in touch with. Take Pandora for example, before you could easily stream non-stop, but now you have a limited amount of time you can spend streaming on their site. Finally after close to a decade of illegal downloading and leaks across the internet the music industry is a little more relaxed, since pirating their music is becoming less and less able to do. Websites have started to put charges on everything now and so it has turned a lot of people over to using itunes versus illegal pirate sites or to just buy the cd themselves.
Sleep, is the number one thing to keep one healthy and happy, but in today world one can not find the time to truly sleep the required amount. “a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help maintain good health and enable people to function at their best.”, ( which is very true studies have proven that sleep is not just a block of time where you are not awake. Actually, your body is still functioning in sleep still and just rejuvenating for the day to come. “Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. School-aged children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night.” The hours stated above are the hours we have to sleep, the hours our body needs to go through to function properly, but seems to be we never get the right amount. Especially for our school aged children, the 7-9 hours they should get never is achieved, and it is due to the fact that schools do not properly schedule their times correctly. Classes start at 7:30/ 8 and then get out at 3, and usually children should go to bed by 9 but never do because they have to do their homework. I do not blame the school system, it is partly the child fault as well because they procrastinate but it can be fixed, by starting schools later. As for adults, the lack of sleep affects an individuals mood and health. A lot of depression could be due to the fact of not enough sleep, same goes with stress and for health risks, increases the risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease, and other medical conditions. During sleep your body releases some hormones, such as the growth hormone, which fuels growth in children, so if a child is not sleeping enough, or the biological time needed then they will not grow to their greatest ability, they will be weak, and their immunity will be weak to and get sick a lot. So to stay healthy and strong, one should definitely get the recommended amount of time, just make some sacrifices in your daily life, to guarantee a longer life.
Invitro fertilization, is when an egg is fertilized out side of the womb due to the fact that the individuals are infertile. The process is removing the ovum from the female, and letting the sperm fertilize it in a fluid medium. Then after, the fertilized zygote is transferred from the tube into the females uterus and it is there, that hopefully the zygote goes through a successful pregnancy, The first successful test tube baby was done in the year of 1978. The rates of successful births are, according to a French study estimated that 66% of patients starting IVF treatment finally succeed in having a child (40% during the IVF treatment at the center and 26% after IVF discontinuation). There are risks that come along with such a beautiful miracle. The main risk that comes along with IVF, is multiple births, due to the fact that there are embryo transfers, it could lead to multiple births. Another question individuals have are, what bout birth defects, could such a process affect the babies growth? “In 2008, an analysis of the data of the National Birth Defects Study in the US found that certain birth defects were significantly more common in infants conceived with IVF, notably septal heart defects, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, esophageal atresia, and anorectal atresia; the mechanism of causality is unclear” so maybe it is better that one does not try to bear a child that would come out with difficulties in life. All in all, Invitro fertilization is a choice one has for cases in which you can not bear a child, it is up to the individual if they truly think it is right to do.
Stem Cell
In the medical field today, there are so many different disease, or abnormalities that have yet to be cured. There has come one solution/cure to some cases, which are stem cells. Stem cells are cells that are found in most multi cellular organisms. So what is so special about these cells, “the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types.” So in cases where an individual has dead cells this would really be helpful. There are two different types of stem cells you have embryonic and adult. The embryonic stem cells are the ones that are most wanted, because they can differentiate into all of the specialized embryonic tissue. Today some stem cell therapies can be seen, such as bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia, but it is still under research for treating other human diseases. Medical professionals hope to be able to use this to treat other disease such as, cancer, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and muscle damage, but the human ethical issues always come in to play. Right now united states is one of the only countries not going through with stem cell implants, In majority of places in Europe it has become really successful, and the reason why it has yet to be passed in America is because it is seen as un ethical. The process of stem cell research is, destruction of a human embryo and/or therapeutic cloning. So pretty much you would have to kill an unborn human being to get some stem cell to research. Although, they have been working on other ways and have come up with a way of getting around he embryonic destruction. To take adult stem cells and manipulate them to create embryonic stem cells. So, we will just have to wait and see, could we be getting closer to curing the incurable cancer?
Depression has been a growing factor in the medical field. According to,, about 14.8 million adults are affected by major depression disorders in America alone, this alone comes to about 6.7 percent of American citizens age 18 and older annually. That is vast majority of individuals to go through depression. A lot of people when seeing commercials like the one above, immediately think they have depression because of the stated symptoms they refer to in the commercials, “do you feel down and sluggish, do you think…” etc. This should never be the way to diagnosis one self with depression. You would think it would be safe to take these drugs if you don’t have the disorder, but actually these drugs could take you down the wrong path. If the drug was not correct for your condition it could increase the case of depression and even lead to suicide. For this reason, the diagnosis of a disorder really has to be followed by the symptoms given in the infamous DSM-IV book, and under the care of a professional medical physician. Sure we all have our down days but true depression is a mental chemical imbalance of hormones in your body. So some of those diagnosed as depression cases may just be following what the commercials say and think they have depression, there is no true way of knowing.
Cave Man
“So easy a cave man can do it” the common saying for the geico commercials, this commercial brings up the unsolved history of man’s evolution. The question still remains did we evolve from caveman? Through archeological finds such as old bone remains, fossils of footprints and so forth, we know that bipedalism probably started somewhere around 2 million years ago. The footprints in the ground at Kenya found this fact, and then there was the finding of Ardi one of the earliest bipedalists they have found, from about 4.4 million years ago. The first thought was, “homonin speciate from the ancestors of the gorillas.” which is partly truly because you can see common traits between the two species, but the process of our advancement is still being researched. After the Hominin came the Homo habilis and homo erects but the one that archeologist have found the most genetic similarity is the homo antecessor,” Homo antecessor, the common genetic ancestor of humans and Neanderthal.[15] At present estimate, humans have approximately 20,000–25,000 genes and share 99% of their DNA with the now extinct Neanderthal [16] a" this was found around 560,000 years ago. This shows we are getting close to the anatomical modern human. The best and most familiar finding of ancestral remains was the finding of homo heidlebergensis, found in northern parts of Europe, around 355,000 years ago. Heidelbegensis shows traits both from Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, and that is only possible through the act of mating. So cross breeding between species occurred around they’re as well as migration from Africa and in the end all adding to evolution of man. So we could possibly be evolved by the caveman species, but it is still under research.
A growing problem in the teenage age group for the last few years has been, teenage pregnancy. Shows like 16 and pregnant, show teens still in high school that have had sex and wound up pregnant. A 16 year old can barely take care of them what makes them think they could handle another human being, let alone a child. The problem here is the lack of proper sexual education. The teens now days are not given the proper amount of sexual education they need, as well as the easiest access to protection for sex. In some states things like birth control, and condoms can be given out for free at clinics, even high schools. According to,, there are over 750,000 unplanned teen pregnancies annually. Other than condoms being able to protect from pregnancy, they also protect an individual from the STD categories, most importantly the HIV factor. A lot of teens now a days think they are invincible to the disease, and choose not to use condoms, In 2004, the CDC estimates that more than 18,000 young people, ages 13 to 24, were living with HIV/AIDS (in the
35 areas with confidential name-based HIV reporting); almost 5,000 were diagnosed in 2004 alone; representing 13% of all people diagnosed that year. So what ends up happening, the spread of HIV/AIDS, as well as other simple STDs such as herpes, warts, Approximately one in four sexually active young adults, ages 15 to 24, contracts an STD each year. All it takes is just a simple use of a condom, and you could save your own life as well as the life of a future child.
Friday, November 20, 2009
When looking at the label of any toy, electronic, or even our flag, we can see that everything is made in china. No, our flag really wasn’t made in china, here it is just an example for the telescope. Although, now a days you read the label of everything you buy, even “true American” products it says made in china, Pakistan, Malaysia etc.
So, is it truly American? If our products are being made in other countries we cant call it our own. This brings up the idea of cheap labor because that is really what it is about. American citizens demand the true American brands, but the labor workers in America are too expensive so what do companies do? They go out in to third world countries and find cheap labor. Children from 7 will be working factories, for companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger and other name brands we have in our stores. When I ran across this picture it actually made me think, could our flags really be made in china, because material to make it and labor workers may be cheaper there?
DUI-Drinking under the influence, can refer to under the influence of drugs(narcotics) or alcohol. We are going to focus on Alcohol. Driving under the influence of alcohol has been a great problem within our streets for a while. Back in 1982, over 60% of the deaths occurring while driving were due to drunk drivers. Over the years it has seemed to go down, back in 2007 it was only 37 %. The decrease is probably due to the increase states have taken on the offense of driving while under the influence. “All 50 states in the US and Puerto Rico now apply two statutory offenses to driving under the influence of alcohol” ( The second offense is illegal if the BAC is above .08%, the first offense is basically based on the officers interpretations when giving the individual the drunk test, speech, walking a straight line etc. Even though all states have these offenses, not all states put a lot of force on them and this is seen by the statistics of fatalities due to drunk drivers, texas still has 45% of deaths due to alcohol. The alcohol slows down an individual’s brain to perceive certain things and so their process of reflex would be slowed down. To truly state a crash is alcohol related only one of the drivers needs to have the alcohol blood concentration to be above .01 gram per deciliter. From friends I have heard many horrific near death experiences with drunk drivers on high ways, and still no police to be found. Even in some cases the police don’t even suspect the driver was under influence due to the fact the driver was a certain age.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
You are driving down the street and you feel a slight vibration through your car, it is the bass from the neighboring vehicle and no music. One begins to wonder is there any way of capturing the bass and rather than expressing it out to the public, keeping it within your own vehicle and feel the bass/sub. The sacrifice one makes is either you have to turn the volume low and the bass on high to actually feel the music, but then the music is gone and all you hear is the vibration. It would be really nice to have a speaker/sound system for a vehicle that could simply play your music at a volume loud enough that the sub can be heard but not too loud to make the driver deaf or the neighboring cars vibrate as well.
Video Phone
Usually the only way one can physically talk and see a family member, friends or significant other at the same time was to web cam with the other. The times have changed and with advancement of camera phones (cell phones with cameras), land lines now have the same ability. Although it is different than your average picture cell phone, land line camera phones act like a web cam, with out the internet delay. They have also added the ability to txt message over the house phone as well. We went from wired hand sets to wireless handset land line telephones, and now we have wire less land phones that can act the same as your expensive advanced cellular phones.
Since the invention of wireless hand held telephones there has been a myth that they would increase an individuals chance of getting cancer. In the case of cell phones mainly brain cancer. It is mainly focused towards heavy cell phone users. It is said that the waves exerted from the speaker of the phone causes build up of un wanted mass in the brain, which eventually would lead to brain tumors and if not taken care of soon enough brain cancer. We could only say how worse it has gotten over the years since the new improvements of cell phones. Cell phone companies have taken precautions and new preventative gadgets have been made, such as devices that you can put on the ear pieces of the phone to reduce the strength of the waves exerted by the phone. The improvement of txt messaging could have been another preventative move as well.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
According to an article I read on sitting all day could cause health problems. Since many Americans have office jobs they usually sit a majority of the day. According to the article standing when watching TV, talking on the phone, or typing at the office would help you burn calories more then exercising for 30 min 5 times a week. That study was conducted by the University Missouri-Columbia.We can reactivate our fat-burning enzymes by simply standing and moving around just a little instead of sitting all of the time. The study showed that the metabolic rate can be doubled just by standing. If you think about all the benefits of standing while at a job you usually sit all day, it is surprising why many jobs don't recommend employees to stand for some of the time during work. That would likely benefit many peoples health and decrease the cost of medical insurance.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
When I ran across this picture, it started to make really think about what really are in those drinks? Sure in this picture it is only a lemon putting in the lime twist flavor in I understand that, but the action of urination really does make sense. The action of urination/waste really shows how terrible the ingredients of these drinks can be. The labels may write natural flavor, but one has to really read the labels. When you take a closer look you will notice the 36 mg of phosphorus in it, the amount of caffeine and even the diet you have the artificial sugars that a even worse for the human body. The advertisement here for a new flavor through the act of a lime urination really does show the wasted ingredients of a soft drink.
It is amazing how many different actions it takes for our body to accomplish one task. In this picture you see a runner prepare, and then shoot off , but when just seeing him in action you see one big push off, but as this picture shows it broken down the body is not as fast. The body needs multiple actions to fulfill our daily routines. It is seen as the runner pushes off from the ground with his hand, he uses his legs to elevate and upper body moves forward, to build the momentum. Then gradually but surely he brings up his body, neck and face. Aside from the body you also then have the arms being moved from forward to back and hands from clenched to open. The line of static also shows how in the start of our action it is very disorganized but in the end it turns to one unified line, just like how our actions become regular in the end. The biomechanics of our body is many little pieces that in the end become one, big act.
Exercise, physical fitness and activities can start at any age. Although, starting out young would be best to do, why because it would make a child stronger and allow them to grow to their full potential. This picture shows a young child doing a one armed push up. It allows one to question if just nutritional food will help the child truly grow up big and strong. Let alone, from children to adults it is not just food that will allow an individual to get strong, but physical activity of all sorts helps a child build muscle and grow to their full potential. Who knows a child like the one presented in the picture maybe able to do push ups with just a finger in a couple of years.
Smoking is still a big issue today, a lot of places you go still don’t have no smoking areas or signs. In the state of Indiana the health department is still trying to get more resturaunts and public places to provide more non smoking areas. The response the resturaunts, bars and other places give is the fact that it would ruin and damage their business. This reasoning shows that people rather die than lose their income. The government believes it to be too expensive to put up more smoking band signs, yet according to, the US spends close to 92 billion dollars a year on smoking deaths. So, you would think that it would save money on the other hand if they did put up no smoking signs and more restrictions to where you can smoke. ““Cigarette smoking continues to impose substantial health and financial costs on individuals and society,” said CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding in a press release.” (,), smoking seems to cause nothing more than harm to soceity, economy and the citizen. There needs to be more restrictions put on the act of smoking, the numbers have decreased over the years, but there is still a lot to be done to greatly minimize the number of smokers.
Friday, November 6, 2009
I looked up meteor defence when I saw this picture and it lead me to this site This is a piece of the article I found.
“METEOR is being developed to meet the requirements of six European nations for a superior Beyond Visual Range missile system with the operational capability to excel in all current and future combat scenarios. It is being integrated on Europe’s major platforms, Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. It also has the potential to add to the air-to-air capability of other combat platforms including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The METEOR programme sees the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden joining together in order to provide access to technology and expertise across Europe.”
This actually doesn’t have anything to do with meteor defense for earth but it does show that countries are getting ready for the advance in military technology of the future. It also show that there is really good cooperation between soon European countries.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Speech Recognition
When I found this picture I was looking for digital music it this came up. When I was looking at this picture it reminded of voice recognition on my computer so I decided to look it up and I came to this website It talked about the advances of speech recognition and how it has advanced to understand 10,000 words and speaker independent continuous speech recognition is 1000 words. There will be plenty of advantages to being able to talk to your computer because it will lead to a more interactive world in the already information oriented society. Eventually after someone has perfected speech recognition more interactive robotics won’t be far behind.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saw this picture of what is suppose to be a cute penguin and found a dangerous looking critter. That made me think of how society has gotten more violent about things so they can attract more people. There are now 6 and a half million viewers to UFC a very violent sport (yet very cool) that has rose from people who love to see others beat down. But if you think about it since the beginning civilizations have always taken interest in others pain such as in Rome and the arena where gladiators had to fight to the death. Other civilizations they had slaves fighting for their entertainment over food.
I looked up eye transplants and came to a website describing what it was all about.
"A cornea transplant is a surgical procedure to replace part of your cornea with corneal tissue from a deceased donor. Your cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped surface of your eye that accounts for a large part of your eye's focusing power.
A cornea transplant can restore vision, reduce pain and improve the appearance of a damaged or diseased cornea. A cornea transplant, also called keratoplasty, is typically performed as an outpatient procedure.
Cornea transplant is the most common transplant operation performed in the United States. About 40,000 cornea transplants are performed each year, according to the Eye Bank Association of America."
After reading this I looked up the procedures of the operation. The first thing to be done is the eye is anesthetized so that the patient is calm and sleepy. They then clean the eye and put a drape over it. Surgery is then done using an Operation Microscope. The eye is kept open with stiches or a speculum. The corneal is then cut out from the donated eye, with a sugical equipment called a Trephine. The patients unhealthy cornea is replaced. The last thing done is the cornea is stiched to the patients eye with fine surgical thread.
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