Thursday, December 17, 2009
The games that involve a ball in present day sports are: soccer, American football, rugby, basketball, volleyball and many more. Each country may have different names for each of these games, for example, some call it soccer other call it futbol/football. In the end they are all the same game, opposing teams trying to prove their skills with a round spherical looking object. Back in the period of the Mayans they had a game that was a combination of some present day ball sports, “sport had different versions in different places during the millennia, and a modern version of the game, ulama, is still played in a few places by the local indigenous population”(
This Mesoamerican ball game, was usually mainly for ritual purposes, so it was directed towards the gods. The rules of the game are not known exactly but looking at the remains and the modern day version, ulama, it resembles racquetball or volleyball. The act of the game was to hit the ball with your hip, some places allowed use of limbs/forearms and racquets. The amazing thing was the fact that the ball was made out of rubber and weighed almost 4 kg, not a very light ball at all. Since these games were usually done in rituals there usually came a sacrifice with it. Through Mayan art, it can be seen when captives were taken they would play a “rigged” game and when losing the game they would be sacrificed to the gods. Funny, how our simple ball games could of evolved from a cultural game devoted to gods.
Distilled water, is the simplest form of water you can get from the store. It is distilled and purified as in all additives society puts into it are “supposedly” taken out. When you hear about your water not being purified, then one begins to wonder, what about the air we breathe? With pollution going on everywhere right in front of your face, of course you aren’t breathing pure oxygen, the real O2. That is why some ingenious person came up with the idea of O2 bars.
The idea first came around in the 1990’s. The idea is to have bars where oxygen is used for recreational use.” Customers in these bars breathe oxygen through a plastic hose inserted into their nostrils.” (, and the funny thing is that these bars were expensive too. One begins to think if I wanted to pay to breath then I would be living in poverty all my life. They went beyond and added flavors to the air you breathed in at these bars too, so you had tangerine flavored, blueberry and so forth. Even though, some people way look at this and laugh, it really can be used in medical field, not for recreational use, “enhances health and well-being, including strengthening the immune system, enhancing concentration, reducing stress, increasing energy and alertness, lessening the effects of hangovers, headaches, and sinus problems, and generally relaxing the body” ( Maybe if they advertised the medical attributes the act of breathing in the oxygen would do, maybe it would catch on more. Today you do not see many oxygen bars around town. I wonder what is next, what other necessary act our body does that can be used for “recreational” use.
Art, many things can fall under the category. Tattoo, is one of those things that falls under the category of art, some people refer to it as body art. Honestly in a way it is, because it takes skill to draw the designs tattoo artists; as they like to be called, print on the body of an individual. The act of tattoo is, “a marking made by inserting indelible ink into the layers of skin to change the pigment for decorative or other reasons.” In today’s world these markings are mainly for beautification and decorative matters.
Although it was not always like this, tattoo was another act done by tribes. Just like how animals have their tattoos for marking, tribes identified themselves by tattoo, either body or facial, “Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples…” ( Another example is the people of New Zealand; they are country that still is inhabitant by the tribes. The people there tattoo their bodies at certain ages and each tattoo usually stands for an act or something.
Although through out history, the act of tattooing has been altered in many cases, one of them is the western use for body decoration. Other examples are the cosmetic use of tattooing on eyebrows, and such. Although it is seen as a sin in some culture for example in Islam tattoos are seen as an act of mutilating your body and damaging yourself. Just like piercing it is interesting to see how a simple act of cultural significance just becomes an act of decoration for random people, losing its cultural significance.
Piercing is the act of cutting or puncturing part of the human body. Body piercing is a form of body modification. Usually, this is done after 3-4 months a baby is born, usually for females. It is done for jewelry reasons, at least in our culture. Archaeologists have found mummy remains with pierced ears implementing that even back then they would pierce the ear for jewelry, “ample evidence exists to document that it has been practiced in various forms since ancient times throughout the world” ( Although once individuals started piercing other places than the ear, it was influenced through tribal piercings. “Some people pierce for religious or spiritual reasons, while others pierce for self-expression, for aesthetic value, for sexual pleasure, to conform to their culture or to rebel against it.” And this attitude is what has run the drive for piercing in the nose, nipples, and other body regions (even genitalia).
In some native American tribes piercing was used in certain tribal rituals “the Crow ceremony, men who wished to obtain visions were pierced in the shoulders or chest by men who had undergone the ceremony in the past and then suspended by these piercings from poles in or outside of the Sun Dance Lodge.
“ ( It is the western culture that mainly uses the ritual or act of piercing as show, or to basically change their appearance. Or else in majority of tribes of southeast Asia and such treat piercings as sings of maturation, or acts for the gods and such. It is amazing how a simple thing as a hole through the bodies flesh can mean so many things to so many different individuals.
It was over a century ago, the only language you would find on signs would be English alone. Over the years the amount of immigrants increased and so with the increasing number of other cultures, it is no more than normal for the mother country to adapt and pick up the foreign language of its new inhabitants.
Now days as one walks down the street you will see every caution sign in English and after that definitely Spanish. Spanish is definitely going to be the second major language in the Americas, because the Hispanic group is one of the mast majorities of immigrants. The immigration of Hispanics is actually quite recent; “Hispanics first entered the tables in 1972, making up 1.1% of the USA's poor in that year. By 1996, Hispanics made up 2.7% of the nation's poor - almost equivalent to the Black figure” ( The Hispanic immigrants more heavily populate some states than others, California is an example and other states pretty close to the Central Americans. There also are the Puerto Rican immigrants in New York.
Through out the years though other ethnicities have grown too, Asian immigrants got more after the war. Now you have such developments as china town, Korean town and little Tokyo. So it is only natural now days to expect at least multiple copies of a form in different languages, as well as in the job field it is a plus when someone understand more than one language. In some cases being multi lingual can get you paid more. So to be cultured is never a shame but an advantage.
Your working on a final paper, but your eyes start getting droopy and you yawn. You are tired and are in need of a major energy boost. Back in the day, one use to reach for the coffee maker and just make a cup of espresso, straight black coffee. Now, what you see most common is the Energy drink.
In advertisements, we are told that just having a can of one of these drinks will keep you up and motivated for up to 5-6 hours. What is left out is the major crash one gets after those 5-6 hours of hyper activity. Since we know it is usually caffeine that keeps a person up on their toes, what truly is in the so called “energy drinks”? Of course we have the needed caffeine, taurine, Guarna, B vitamins, ginseng, ginkgo Bilbao, L-carnitine ( and some others. These are the most common ingredients in all energy drinks they may be different flavor wise and sugars and other herbal ingredients they put into them.
All of these ingredient help stimulate the body and mind together, it is sort of like how coke use to be fore people. When one needed a sugar boost they would drink a bottle of coke and use the caffeine to hype them up, but now they actually took that concept and have developed a new line of sodas basically.
Aside from being energy drinks they have also been used as mixers with alcohol. Alcohol will bring your blood pressure down and slow down a person, so bartenders and such learned if you mix an energy drink with an alcoholic beverage the drinker would get double the rush, and not get as sluggish as fast, even thought that truly depends on the individuals alcohol intake. It is funny how a combination of all herbal and earthy materials with some caffeine can develop into such an addicting and much needed substance. Energy drinks are the cold version of coffee in the present day.
The medical field through out history has been occupied by one gender and one gender only. That gender has always been the males. Times are a changing, because there has been increases at the amount of females that have been entering medical school as well as the end product, female doctors have increase too. “Medical staffing could be nearing a crisis now that Britain, as well as Canada and the U.S., is producing more female medical school graduates than male” (, this quite surprising because of the nature of females, one would think they could not afford to live like a doctor.
Yes the female is known as mother and has the maternal and nurturing instincts but yet they do not seem like enough for patients. The patients are still stuck on the classical conception of a middle-aged man with a white coat to be their doctor. “Society still expects women rather than men to reduce work commitments to look after children and not to return to full time work until the children are older…In addition, more female general practitioners plan to retire before the age of 60 than men, shortening their working life further”
9 so since they have to be a mother and doctor, society rather have them be a better mother, so they will reduce their office hours to come home and take care of the kids. Not to say this is bad, but when you are a doctor your number one priority should be your patients. It is great that now females can reach the same great attributes as males but females have their natural instincts they need to follow as well, so they really may not be cut out to live as a full time doctor, mother and wife. There would be too much to sacrifice for women.
I remember when I was in middle and highschool, we were not allowed to have highlighter, sharpie markers, and even liquid white out. I found it kind of weird, so I asked the reasoning behind the ban and was told it was because kids/students would sniff them.
“We took the lid off one of the pens and gave it a sniff, because we like the way Sharpies smell.” ( of course people like the smell of sharpies, because it gives them a quick high. “inhaling toxic vapors is commonly referred to as 'Huffing' and it is against the law” and with sniffing sharpies and other objects like that it really is like sniffing toxic vapors because of what they are made of. Take this for example some one spraying a can of paint in a bag and then inhaling the spray/toxins in. It is another way to do narcotics. Some people do the illegal marijuana but why do that when you can buy legal items and use them as drugs. That is terrible, and surprising thing is that it is only illegal in some states to do such things as huffing markers and such. The even worse thing about this topic is that majority of people who do this are young children of the elementary years because they are more prone to use these objects. So sad to see simple utensils used at school projects to also be weapons of self damage that students do.
Secondhand Smoke
Next worst thing to smoking, is inhaling the smoke from the smoker. In some cases it has been seen it can be equivalent to smoking. The definition of secondhand smoke, “t is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco: side stream smoke (smoke that comes from the end of a lighted cigarette, pipe, or cigar) and mainstream smoke (smoke that is exhaled by a smoker).” (
Just being around a smoker, you might as well call your self a smoker as well, because “ Non-smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do. The more secondhand smoke you are exposed to, the higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body.” ( -clean_indoor_air.asp). It is actually the passive smoker that will get the toxins more than a the actual smoker, because the smoker has exhaled them and you breathe it into your system, “Secondhand smoke is classified as a "known human carcinogen" ( -clean_indoor_air.asp).
So next time you are next to a smoker, ask them to put their cigarettes out, or move yourself as far as you can. In some cases you may not be able to, such as in restaurants. Some states are still fighting to get no smoking signs installed in more public places and have it enforced more to. IUPUI campus is an example it wasn’t till last year that the no smoking signs were actually installed and enforced more. Yet, people still do not abide by it, and will stand right next to the sign and smoke. It is very selfish, if the smoker does not care bout their own health then they should about others and not smoke around others.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It is amazing how much the cost of education has become lately. Over the past few years the tuition for schools have been doing nothing but increasing. Why have they been increasing, does it means they have more to offer the students? That would be a big NO. Schools now only take money but do not give the same extent of education that the students pay for. Sometimes an individual wonders if I am paying so much why shouldn’t I go to a private school, where the money really is equal to the value of education and attention the school staff will give me.
In majority of public state schools you have your normal school tuition, then you have your room and board fees and then on top of that you will have your books and technology fees. For example ate IUPUI, you get the basic undergraduate fee, which goes straight towards the school. On top of the tuition fee you have your separate school fee, such as Kelley school of business and etc each have a separate fee. Then you have your per credit hour fee you have to pay and lastly you will have your “general fee” as they call it. One wants to truly sit down and investigate on all these charges that these schools give to us. If you ask a financial staff member they will tell you its for your class, but ok what if the teacher never uses what the fee covers? It would be a total rip off. “Average tuition and fees at four-year public colleges rose 6.6 percent this year, again outstripping increases in financial aid and pushing students into more borrowing.” ( the above picture represents all the heavy loans and debt that schooling is doing to the students of the new world. In high school we thought our books were heavy, but now university has put more weight on our backs than those books ever did. The solution was to go to two-year colleges, but even they have raised their prices as well, “ Prices at two-year colleges, which educate about half of American college students, rose 4.2 percent to $2,361.” ( School needs to be a privilege and not a burden for someone, with the increasing prices of schools; you do not see an increase of aid for the students at all. So, next don’t wonder why so many Americans choose not to go to college after high school.
Health Care
The most recent topic of debate in the news has been the idea of universal health care in the United States. “At least 15% of the population is completely uninsured” ( is amazing that in one of the worlds richest countries, the citizens do not have health care to help them with their illnesses. The reasoning behind this dilemma is because; health insurance here is done by separate organizations. It has become a business to see who has the most affordable to take care of a humans health. The U.S spends the most on the health care area yet has one of the highest infant mortality rates. Something is not right here.
Since when did a person’s life become a money value? Surprising thing is that even the highest paid individuals sometimes still can’t afford the health care. In this society one either needs to be below poverty to receive the best health care or be above and beyond rich. The funny thing is that just above being high in the amount of uninsured citizens there are even more underinsured individuals. Underinsured means they pay the money but still do not get the full service. For example, for just a visit to tell your doctor you are feeling ill you pay 20 dollars then, to actually get a diagnosis you have to pay another amount. It is just ridiculous how severe the requirements for Medicaid are and if the insurance companies find out you have even a little money they will charge you insanely. So maybe universal health care may not be the best for this society but some type of health care reform needs to be done, so American citizens can be better taken care of.
Attention deficient/ hyperactivity disorder, or shortly known ad ADHD, is a mental disorder in which one cannot focus. The problem with this disorder is that people, mainly children have been misdiagnosed over the past few years. The danger doesn’t come from the misdiagnosis but the treatment for the disorder is very harmful. The number one drug was/is aderral. Aderral tends to have very risky side effects and on a child it is more likely to have a drastic affect.
The mis diagnosis always happens at the young age. Parents have always heard the symptoms of ADHD “have a hard time paying attention, daydream a lot, not seem to listen, be easily distracted from schoolwork or play, be in constant motion or unable to stay seated, squirm or fidget…” ( They put such symptoms upon a child that is in the prime years, such as 4-7. Of course children at that stage will squirm a lot not listen and such. So, quickly to relieve themselves from the stress of dealing with their children, parents quickly as for a diagnosis of ADHD and the drug. What they do not realize is the long-term affect the drug will have on their child.
It is very sad to see that parents would be so willing to give their children such a drug to just relieve themselves from the trouble of dealing with their own offspring’s childhood years.
Do you remember when one could just look up a person in the yellow pages or white pages and find their phone number? Yeah, times have changed now. It all started with the creation of MySpace, but after a few years a more private, safe and specific site in the same genre began. It was called face book. It was at first targeted towards university students, and you would have to join by first entering your school and from an invite from another person, “Face book was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students.” ( It became a hit after only 2 weeks. So mark decided to open it up to more people, “Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Face book, and within four months, Face book added 30 more college networks.”
Zuckerberg arrived at the name face book from something that was done at his high school, “The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until Zuckerberg brought it to the Internet.” Since nothing no longer is done on paper, Mark was smart to put it up on the Internet. It truly is a very handful tool. One can find their friends from school any where from any time. Unlike MySpace it is a lot safer and more careful on the people who are members and have advertisements on their sites. So even though it had started as a university tool, it did open up to high schoolers “opening up to high school students in September 2005 “. No one needs the paper yellow pages or white pages. Even business can have a page on face book too. It is amazing how one project turned into a multi million/billion dollar company.
The one of the growing medical condition in America has been diabetes. More specifically, type 2 diabetes. There are two distinct types of diabetes. You have the juvenile/type 1 diabetes, which is the deadly type of diabetes. Juvenile diabetes is one which your pancreas cannot produce insulin. Insulin is the hormone that allows for the uptake of glucose from the blood. So if your body is unable to do this act, the blood glucose levels in your body increase because of the build up of glucose. So, the proper amount of energy cannot be supplied to your body, so the feeling of hunger increases. This is one reason you also see a lot of obese people with diabetes. Although, you do not see a lot of type one/ juvenile diabetes diagnosed. The most common is type 2.
Type 2, also known as insulin dependent, is the more common diabetes found among people. Where as in type one, insulin wasn’t produced. Type two diabetes, insulin is produced but the cells do not react to it correctly. So since no sugar will be stored as sugar, the pancreas would get the message to continue producing insulin. So since there will be no sugar put forth towards the tissues, there will be a build up of sugar in the blood. Therefore it would lead to hyperglycemia and high levels of insulin too. “Type 2 diabetes usually occurs gradually. Most people with the disease are overweight at the time of diagnosis” (, having said this, as a treatment of type 2, diet and eating correctly is the best way to cure or control the diabetes. Where as for type 1 diabetes, diet and exercise helps you control it but sometimes it leads to having insulin pumps and such forth because it needs to be regulate more than someone with type 2, because no insulin is produced at all. It is in type 1 patients you see insulin shots and insulin pumps hooked up to themselves.
Big Kids
Obese, as defined in the dictionary is: excessively fat. The excessively fat individual can be that due to his or her own wanting or truly because of medical reasons. The medical condition of obese is defined as: medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems, ( Other than it being a growing medical condition among Americans, it is majorly affecting the younger generation of Americans. The rate of obese children has gone up over the years.
The status of being over weight is figure out based on an individuals BMI (body mass index), which the persons height and weight are compared. “In 1999, 13% of children aged 6 to 11 years and 14% of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years in the United States were overweight. This prevalence has nearly tripled for adolescents in the past 2 decades.” ( Amazing how much of the younger children are already preparing themselves for a life filled with health problems, in the end shortening their life spans. We thought narcotics and such were the worst thing that could happen to our children, but the food that we are given is almost as bad in the long run. Due to this fast pace society we live in today, the best way to get a meal is to go through a drive thru and eat out of a paper bag. No one truly eats a healthy fulfilling meal any more. The choices now a days are either a taco from taco bell, greasy cheesy pizza from a pizza place, a burger made with meat from god only knows where and fries on the side dipped in nothing but pure fat oils. If parents truly loved their kids they would never allow their children to eat this way, but because they are too busy working that’s all they have the time to give/offer to their children. Another thing that the younger generation lacks is physical activity. Now days what do kids think as hanging out? To come over play video games, watch a movie or just watch TV. You never hear “ lets play a game of soccer, basket ball or go to the park and just walk” it is partly because of the technological advances we have as well as the safety rates have decreased over time as well. So basically the only treatment for obesity is to eat healthier and more physical activity in ones life.
The number one person that gets hurt in the process of divorce is the child/children. The parents will be relived because they separate from each other, but do they think what it may do to the child? I mean I understand how the fighting and hitting and such that may happen during being together may affect the child as well, but studies have shown that it is usually the child that feels at fault for the divorce.
The affect of divorce on a child is really dependent on the parents as well, “ children's psychological reactions to their parents' divorce vary in degree dependent on three factors: (1) the quality of their relationship with each of their parents before the separation, (2) the intensity and duration of the parental conflict, and (3) the parents' ability to focus on the needs of children in their divorce.” ( So the extreme cases you hear about a child from a divorced family falling into drug usage, alcoholism, and depression are usually cases in which the above factors were disrupted in some way. Aside from factors over relationships, boys and girls both take the effects of divorce differently as well. Boys tend to act out their frustration and anger, so cause trouble in school and so forth. Girls on the other hand tend to internalize their feelings, so may become depressed change their sleeping/eating habits and so forth.
Not only bad comes out of a divorce, some good can come out of it too. Usually a single parent can/will focus more on their children and so will be closer to their kids. If the parents remarry it would give the child just more adult support. Although, all of this really depends at the age group the child is in. In certain stages/periods of a Childs life it may be harder to accept another person as a mother/father and to adjust to the changes. In the end though a divorce just helps the child more than harm, “when parents can control their conflict, the children can experience freedom from daily household tension between parents.”
Parents always worry, is the school my child is in good for them or not? The on going fight between public school and private school and whom offers better education and schooling for the children in the nation, is simple. The type of school is not what decides which is better, but rather the individual child.
“Many of us believe, hands-down, that private schools are better than public schools.” (, it has been shown through movies, and propaganda that private schools have the elite of the teachers and the most to offer for a child. Although recent studies by a husband and wife, Sarah Thuele and Christopher Lubienski, have disproven the myth. “Found that when they controlled for a family’s socioeconomic background, public-school kids slightly outperformed private-school kids.” I think this is due to the fact that in private school it is all about money and whom is better than the other, where as in public schools the teachers truly care for their students, and since they are not obligated by money to be there the children truly want to learn.
“The researchers warn that this study says nothing about a specific school. But it is reassuring to know that overall public-school education should not necessarily be seen as second-rate compared to private schools.” ( So, when a parent is going through the process of finding the perfect school they should take each school for a test run, sort of like how you would a car.
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment also known as, the death penalty/sentence. This has been an issue in the American judicial system for longest time. The death penalty can be dated all the way back to Hammurabi’s time period, “date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes. “ it was first used mainly in the European countries and found its way to the Americas when the European settlers came by. They enacted the death penalty here in the Americas. “In the early 1960s, it was suggested that the death penalty was a "cruel and unusual" punishment, and therefore unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment”. Over the years there were cases where the decision of death penalty was questions for example Trop v. Dulles and so in some cases they began to fine tune the sentence a little, such as in U.S. v. Jackson. In the end it was suspended but over the years it was reenacted and then suspended. So since there has been such a split view on this topic, state judicial systems have split as well. If you look at the states in the present there are some places where they still pass the death sentence, close to over half of the United States allow for the death sentence to be practiced.
What constitutes an act to be of capital punishment? “The New York Colony instituted the Duke's Laws of 1665. Under these laws, offenses such as striking one's mother or father, or denying the "true God," were punishable by death.” (, but over the years it changed around. So now since capital punishment is only allowed in certain state, capital crimes are different state by state. For example, “Arizona. First-degree murder accompanied by at least 1 of 14 aggravating factors, Kansas. Capital murder with 8 aggravating circumstances” (, which makes it very difficult it seems. So, an individual can do one act in one state and not be trialed for it, but in another it could be illegal. It just seems to be unfair and unequal if the judicial system is like this. It is still an on going discussion, we have our federal criminal crimes and then our state, and there is a difference. Over the years our number of death row has gone down, but it may be rising again.
Most Important Meal of the Day
The number one meal of the day, the most important meal of the day seems to always be missed by people. Breakfast, the most delicious meal of the day, which can range from coffee with toast and jelly to a heart healthy meal of eggs, ham, sausage, hash browns and pancakes/waffles. That there describes 3 meals in one. Breakfast, is the combination of “break and “fast”, basically it is referring to the breaking of the fast you have been doing from the last meal you had the day before.
Studies have shown that individuals that eat a full healthy breakfast will have a more accomplishing day. “Skipping breakfast interferes with students’ cognition and learning9 “ ( This is very true, and is becoming a growing trend among children of our generation. Due to the fact of school starting early and going to bed late, people wake up late and so don’t have time to sit down and eat a complete breakfast. “Children who eat a complete breakfast, versus a partial breakfast, make fewer mistakes and work faster in
math and number-checking tests.”( So even just a piece of toast is not good enough, one has to eat enough at breakfast to fulfill your hunger.
So next time you leave the house and your stomach growls do not ignore it, really take the time to feed and nourish your body. You need your body and mind to function well through out the day and live life to the fullest.
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