Interview questions.
I asked Liz Crichlow about her capstone and what she did was an internship at KENRA as tech support since last week of July.
1. What has this week been like for you?
A. It's been stressful because she has also been doing finals.
2. If you could change anything in how you did your capstone, what would it be?
A. She would chage the daily experiences that she had on her poster because she just gabbed them out of her journal.
3. How close is the final outcome to what you originally thought it would be?
A. She would have liked more experience with servers and networks.
4. If you had one more month to work on the project what would you do?
A. Nothing, she said everything went well.
5. What advice do you have for me about working on my capstone?
A. Do an internship and do not procrastinate.
Reflection of Capstone
1. Address the efficacy of the approach we took in this class.
I learned some things about capstone by having the guest speakers and going to the capstones. It also helped that we had to start thinking about it early and get mentors.
2. Discuss whether or not the breakdown of the project development was advantageous.
Its nice to have a breakdown of the project but it doesn't help when you don't follow the schedule because you have other things to do.
3. Discuss the advanges and/or disadvantages of the student guest speakers for forming your own approach to capstone.
The thing I got out of the guest speakers is that it would have been much better to have know what capstones were sooner and had an idea earlier. The bad thing that I got from them is that basically if you have not started on you capstone like a year prior then your capstone will be just OK.
4. Were there any assignments that you thought were particularly helpful? Please elaborate.
Making us get a mentor was a great idea because it would have been really hard to get one at the last minute.
5. Were there any assignments that you thought were particularly useless? Please elaborate.
In a way the secondary mentor thing was pointless for some people because there was no need in my case.